Workplace Hazards

Regardless of the industry you operate in, workplace hazards represent one of the biggest risks a company faces. Having a worker out due to injury not only means having to work around the loss of a member of your team, it also affects a company’s bottom line. Business managers should take preventive measures when it comes to safety.

Workplace Safety Concerns

Pre-Employment Screenings

A serious risk factor for accidents is employees who do not have the physical capability required to do the job. Screening new employees who can meet the physical demands required on the job is vital for reducing job injuries. Another risk factor are workers who lack the experience to make good judgment. A thorough examination and crisis testing of job applicants during the interview process can prevent hiring anyone who might make risky decisions that jeopardizes workplace safety.

Research Safety Vulnerabilities

Every workplace is unique, and the most likely source of a job accident is the one you did not see coming. All businesses should conduct research into its own unique hazards and vulnerabilities and how to manage them. For example, construction teams working on hi-rise projects are vulnerable to become injured from falls, tripping hazards, electrical mishaps, or equipment malfunction; therefore, a thorough safety evaluation of each worksite should be conducted throughout the workday.

Personal Protective Gear

While protective gear can’t prevent workplace accidents, it can certainly prevent serious injuries from occurring. Even when safety gear doesn’t prevent the injury from happening, it can still prevent the injury from becoming worse or even life-threating. Often, protective gear has saved the worker from permanent disability or death. It’s known that many Dallas injury attorneys have settled many cases where job accidents could have been prevented by simply using safety gear properly.

Take The Next Step Towards A Safer Workplace Environment

If you are looking to minimize your risks and to keep your workplace safe and operating smoothly, the first step is to create a plan that addresses the need to train employees about workplace safety and on-the-job hazards. On-site safety inspections by managers should be a regular part of the daily work routine at every jobsite.